Gary Brackett |The Living Theatre

For over 30 years Gary Brackett has made his presence felt in Italy and Europe. A member of The Living Theatre since 1987, he has been a production manager, set designer and actor for most productions seen in Europe and the United States, including The Tablets, I and I, The Body of God, Humanity, The Rules of Civility, The Zero Method, Capital Changes, Not In My Name, Resistenza, Resist Now, The Brig, Mysteries and Smaller Pieces; Utopia, The Connection and Enigmas.

With Judith Malina he also assisted and conducted the physical training and staging of numerous laboratory productions. He has conducted more than 170 workshops on the techniques of The Living Theatre and staged classic Living Theatre productions such as Mysteries and Smaller Pieces, Seven Meditations on Political Sadomasochism, Six Public Acts and Paradise Now. He has long collaborated with the Morra Foundation of Naples which has sponsored many of Brackett’s workshops.

Living Theatre Europa

After the interruption of The Living Theatre project in Rocchetta Ligure, Italy in 2003, Brackett created Living Theatre Europa by promoting workshops and new productions, including a residential workshop and street performances in the Occupied Territories in Palestine, working alongside Palestinian and Israeli artists, activists and social workers – that experience collected in the documentary Mahloul, Voyage in Palestine, directed by Gary Brackett. In addition to his workshops, Brackett has written, produced and directed original productions: Siddhartha the River Smiles, Giovanna La Mariposita, Green Terror, Let My Brother Go, and Girl Is A Gun.

In May 2022 began a new laboratory production focused on Archeology of Sleep by Julian Beck. In November 2022 he started developing a new work, Common Blood, and presented the work in Naples at MANN (National Archaeological Museum of Naples), at the Made in Cloister Foundation and the Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore.

In the Spring of 2024, with the Morra Foundation, there is planned the opening of The Living Theatre Academy in Caggiano, Italy. Currently, Living Theatre Europa is creating a new version of the historic Living Theatre play Six Public Acts in commemoration of the anniversary of the birth of Judith Malina and Julian Beck. Also in development is a new production, an adaptation of the book, The Life of the Theatre, by Julian Beck.