(A New) Six Public Acts

Rome 22 April – 1 May


First artistic residency program on The Living Theatre technique and the historical work Six Public Acts, directed by Gary Brackett and the members of Living Theater Europa,

in the spaces of carrozzerie.not


in collaboration with


Teatro delle Bambole (Bari)

Teatro Kim (Bergamo)

KBB Orchestra (Milano)

Giuditta Sin (USA


and some moments of theoretical discussion on the Italian experimental theater of the 70s, with Nicolas Toselli (C.A.M. – University of Turin).






What can the theatre do? Release the creative impetus into the people. Change the atmosphere. Change the moral values. Change perception. Change the mode of thought. Change the music. Go down into Egypt. To the slaves. What can the theatre do? It can entice, zap, pull, inform, cajole, and openly inspire the proletariat, the Lumpenproletariat, the poor, the poorest of the poor.


Julian Beck, The Life of the Theatre


1970: The Living Theatre moves to Brazil to work in Brazilian favelas. After an intense period of collaboration with these poorest of the poor, The company all are arrested and spend three months in prison under the military regime, where they witness firsthand the systematic torture of prisoners. Upon their release, The Living Theatre gathers to ask again: What is the burning question of today? From that point on a ten-year research was undertaken on the roots and solutions to violence, entitled The Legacy of Cain, which includes Seven Meditations on Political Sadomasochism and Six Public Acts.


Starting from this same question, each participant of the workshop will contribute to the collective creation process. Our starting point for this work are, in fact, the collective creations of The Living Theatre, some of the most important masterpieces of modern theater that have forever changed the relationship between actor and director, between audience and artist: Mysteries and Smaller Pieces, Antigone, Paradise Now, Six Public Acts and Seven Meditations on Political Sadomasochism.



22 April - 1 May

total 10 days of work | 62 hours (and some moments of work in outdoor spaces)


22-25 April (11.00 - 16.00)

26-28 April (11.00 - 20.00 - with lunch break)

29-30 April (11.00 - 16.00 and some moments of outdoor work)

1 May (10.00 - 15.00)


A collective performance in the form of street theater is planned for May 1st, in appropriately identified spaces and places in the city.

The program with the detailed timetable will be sent to the participants together with some study materials, approximately 10 days before the start of the workshop.


Part I: The work of the Living Theatre

The proposed laboratory activity will be carried out using the material, scenes, forms and theatrical language that make up the alphabet of Living Theatre.

The techniques used will be those developed by the company during its 75 years of activity:

• non-fictional acting

• collective creation

• Artaudian expressionism

• rituals

• biomechanics

• yoga and mindfulness practices

• formal elements of the Political Theater of Brecht and Piscator

• formal elements of Street Theatre

• Butoh dance


Part II: Collective Creation

The workshop participants will create their own original scenes inspired by the proposed themes centered around The Legacy of Cain.

Gary Brackett will support the groups in managing the creative process by guiding the final phase of creation.

We will experiment in the laboratory with new forms of ritual, valid in our daily lives, based on

changed needs and the new social and political conflicts present in our territory.


The laboratory activity will be integrated with audio-video materials on the formal, aesthetic and political history of The Living Theatre.


The workshop is also open to student actors with little or no experience but express a heartfelt desire to participate in the work. Minimum age of 16 years.



The registration fee is €280 (which includes Living Theatre Europa membership fee and insurance coverage).

(Max 25 participants.)



To propose your application to the project it is necessary to communicate the requested information (CV, Motivation Letter, short Self Tape answering some questions) by filling out the form at the link: candidatura.(anew)sixpublicacts


You can send your application from 19 February to 20 April 2024.



The selected participants will be contacted by the management:

- 13 March 2024 (for applications received by 9 March 2024)

- 10 April 2024 (for applications received after 9 March 2024)


Together with the outcome of the selection, the bank transfer details for the payment of the 50% deposit and the definitive payment methods and times will be communicated (if positive). Registration is completed upon receipt of the copy of the bank transfer of the 50% deposit, within five days following communication of the outcome of the selections.

Payment is only permitted by bank transfer or PayPal.


Please note that the deposit is non-refundable.


For info and requests:


attached (A New) Six Public Acts -project